Free "Learn the Signs. Act Early." Materials for Parents, Educators & Health Care Providers
The materials below share important information about healthy developmental milestones in young children, and are free and downloadable for families, early childhood educators and health care providers. These materials were developed by the CDC for the national "Learn the Signs. Act Early." public awareness program, of which the Massachusetts Act Early initiative is the local state chapter. Where noted, the materials are customized for use in Massachusetts.
Help! Which materials should I choose?
For more information:
Help! Which materials should I choose?
For more information:
- Info for Families
- Info for Early Childhood Educators
- Info for Health Care Providers
Massachusetts Act Early materials
These brochures, booklets and referral information are customized for Massachusetts:
See milestones in action through pictures and videos.
"Learn the Signs. Act Early." materials
These CDC resources provide helpful information for a variety of audiences: