State and National Act Early News
April 2016 Massachusetts Act Early State Team Summit Meeting on
Building Capacity as an Early Identification Learning Community

On April 29, 2016, the MA Act Early state team held our 2016 Spring Summit on Building Capacity as an Early Identification Learning Community at UMass Medical School in Worcester, Massachusetts.
State team members engaged in learning and networking on topics related to early identification:
To access PowerPoint presentations and other event information, please visit our Events & Webinars page.
Original Date: April 2016
State team members engaged in learning and networking on topics related to early identification:
- The morning session shared information about the latest in free CDC "Learn the Signs. Act Early." resources, brain-based infant research on screening and siblings, autism screening, tele-practice for intervention delivery, and a panel on cultural and racial equity in identification of developmental concerns.
- Afternoon workshops included sessions on the RITA-T screening tool, the Considering Culture in Autism training, Know Your Language Rights, Using Cultural Brokers and Project EARLY's Family Navigators.
To access PowerPoint presentations and other event information, please visit our Events & Webinars page.
Original Date: April 2016
Massachusetts Act Early on No Small Victories Radio - Tune In!

MA Act Early State Team Leader and CDC Act Early Ambassador Elaine Gabovitch spoke on March 23, 2016 about the work of the Massachusetts Act Early program and the CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early” campaign with state team member Jacqueline Williams-Hines who is the president of the nonprofit No Small Victories and the host of NSV Online Radio.
Listen to the archived broadcast here.
NSV Radio has new autism-related broadcasts live on the W4WN Entertainment Network every Wednesday night at 7 pm and archived on iHeart Radio.
Original Date: April 2016
Listen to the archived broadcast here.
NSV Radio has new autism-related broadcasts live on the W4WN Entertainment Network every Wednesday night at 7 pm and archived on iHeart Radio.
Original Date: April 2016
AMCHP, AUCD and 6 States Joined MA Act Early at Boston Children's Museum for 2015 Summit and Peer-to-Peer Exchange on Considering Culture in Autism Screening and Systems of Care

On June 16th and 17th, 2015, the MA Act Early state team and the HRSA State Autism Planning Grant team collaborated with AMCHP on a two-day event: The 2015 Spring Summit on Considering Culture in Autism Screening and Systems of Care and the AMCHP SPHARC 2015 Peer-to-Peer Exchange. Held at the Boston Children's Museum, 56 professionals from seven states (CT, IA, MN, MA, ME, NH, and VA) came together to brainstorm and problem solve educating parents from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds about healthy developmental milestones in young children and reducing early identification barriers for autism and other developmental disorders.
The meeting included a training on the Considering Culture in Autism Screening curriculum, a panel on outreach to educate culturally diverse families about developmental milestones, sharing strategies and models of intervention, and creating action plans inspired by the wisdom shared from the states' efforts. Summit and P2P presentations, materials and more information about the event can be found here.
The full summary report on cultural screening barriers and solutions can be found in Materials and Resources.
Original Date: July 2015
The meeting included a training on the Considering Culture in Autism Screening curriculum, a panel on outreach to educate culturally diverse families about developmental milestones, sharing strategies and models of intervention, and creating action plans inspired by the wisdom shared from the states' efforts. Summit and P2P presentations, materials and more information about the event can be found here.
The full summary report on cultural screening barriers and solutions can be found in Materials and Resources.
Original Date: July 2015
2015 Northeast Regional Act Early Conference on Developmental Screening, Referral and Response

On May 20 and 21, 2015, seven Northeast Act Early states met in Hartford, CT for the 2015 Northeast Regional Act Early Conference on the topic of Developmental Screening, Referral and Response. The overall goal of the conference was to exchange national and state information on developmental screening, referral and response to referral and to use knowledge to enhance state autism plans. The agenda included presentations from national experts and state participants, state action planning and networking opportunities. This event was organized by the Learn the Signs. Act Early. Ambassadors from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont, with funding from the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP), Connecticut Department of Public Health and Rhode Island Department of Health, along with support from our national partners: Health Resources and Services Administration, Association of University Centers on Disabilities and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (pictured above).
Fourteen members of the MA Act Early state team attended the meeting. Keynote speakers included Paul Dworkin, MD of Help Me Grow National and Ellen Amore of KidsNET of Rhode Island. Five screening tool authors presented the following tools on the screening tool panel: ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE, PEDS, RITA-T, M-CHAT and SWYC.
All conference materials, presentations, and more information may be found on the AMCHP web site.
Original Date: May 2015
Fourteen members of the MA Act Early state team attended the meeting. Keynote speakers included Paul Dworkin, MD of Help Me Grow National and Ellen Amore of KidsNET of Rhode Island. Five screening tool authors presented the following tools on the screening tool panel: ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE, PEDS, RITA-T, M-CHAT and SWYC.
All conference materials, presentations, and more information may be found on the AMCHP web site.
Original Date: May 2015
Archived Webinar: Developmental Screening in Massachusetts for Pediatricians

The webinar Developmental Screening in Massachusetts: An Alliance between Early Childhood Educators and Pediatricians was offered to pediatric providers for continuing medical education credit through December 2015. Developed by UMass Medical School-E.K. Shriver Center in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care and the United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley, the webinar shared information about how early childhood education programs are conducting developmental screening by using the Ages & Stages Questionnaire screening tools to monitor development in young children in community settings.
For more information, please contact [email protected].
Original Date: November 2014
For more information, please contact [email protected].
Original Date: November 2014
Massachusetts Act Early Addresses Screening Disparities Using a Collective Impact Approach
Members of the Massachusetts Act Early state team met on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 for a State Team Autism Summit Meeting at the Boston Children's Museum. The day's theme was "Increasing Our Collective Impact: Sharing Resources & Promoting Equity." The team heard about efforts from the Department of Early Education and Care in serving as a community partner in developmental screening on young children through their Coordinated Family & Community Engagement centers and from two of the research award recipients from UMass Boston and Boston University School of Medicine of recently funded National Institute of Mental Health grants that aim at improving access and the timeliness of interventions for children with ASD. They used this information to brainstorm ways that their organizations can improve screening and detection for ASD and other developmental disorders.
Original Date: October 2014 |
Boston Parents Paper "Your Child With Special Needs" Issue Features MA Act Early Article on Tracking Milestones

“Tracking Milestones: Act Early to Improve Outcomes” written by Elaine Gabovitch was featured on page 25 of the Boston Parents Paper's 2014 annual special online issue of "Your Child With Special Needs" and highlights info from “Birth to Five: Watch Me Thrive!” and “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” programs, as well as from our own Massachusetts campaign.
Original Date: October 2014
Original Date: October 2014
"Amazing Me!" Day held at Boston Children's Museum October 5, 2014
![]() In partnership with MA Act Early and the CDC's "Learn the Signs. Act Early." campaigns, Boston Children's Museum held a special event based on the Act Early & Reach Out & Read book "Amazing Me! It's Busy Being Three" for families of young children on October 5, 2014 for both members and the general public. The day incorporated a Story Walk book reading activity, music and movement, learning about developmental milestones in 3 year olds, and more. The CDC donated 300-400 books in English and Spanish to be distributed at the event. The "Learn the Signs. Act Early." campaign was prominently displayed through web banners, flat screen displays and a Massachusetts Act Early table to distribute materials.
Original date: October, 2014 |
CDC Act Early Ambassador to Massachusetts visited NECN 10/3/14

UMass Medical School autism advocate Elaine Gabovitch, MPA, joined New England Cable News on Friday, Oct. 3, 2014 to discuss the importance of celebrating and tracking developmental milestones in children. Gabovitch participated in the "Amazing Me! It's Busy Being Three.” event at the Boston Children’s Museum on Oct. 5, 2014.
Watch the full NECN video: Monitoring "Developmental Milestones" in Kids
Original date: October 3, 2014
Watch the full NECN video: Monitoring "Developmental Milestones" in Kids
Original date: October 3, 2014
Gabovitch reappointed CDC Act Early Ambassador to Massachusetts 2014-2016
Elaine Gabovitch, State Team Leader of the Massachusetts Act Early state team and UMass Medical School-E.K. Shriver Center LEND faculty has been reappointed to serve as the CDC Act Early Ambassador to Massachusetts for another two-year term from May 2014 through April 2016. During this time, she will reach out to potential state team partners to continue to broaden the state's infrastructure for early identification for children at risk for autism and other developmental disorders. She will host at least one state team meeting per year using part of her Ambassador funding to support the state team network.
Original date: April 2014
Original date: April 2014
Two New Grants for MA Act Early
Two new grants have been awarded for MA Act Early projects that will help sustain the state effort.
Considering Culture in Autism Screening: A Culturally & Linguistically Competent Training Curriculum for Pediatric Providers
Awarded by the Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Research Fund, a BankofAmerica, N.A.Trustee, from September 2013 through October 2014. The goal of the proposed demonstration project is to develop, implement, and evaluate an educational module that trains pediatric providers in culturally competent screening, evaluation, and referral to intervention services for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The project will expand on the Considering Culture in Autism Screening guide and kit that the MA Act Early multicultural project team developed for pediatric clinicians in early 2012 under a Association for Maternal and Child Programs (AMCHP) grant.
The project teams will include:
Click here to read an article published by UMassMed Now about the project.
The Healthy People 2020 Roadmap for Massachusetts Children and Youth with ASD/DD: Understanding Needs and Measuring Outcomes
Awarded by HRSA-MCHB from September 2013 through August 2015. The two-year project will address a state priority in the 2013 Massachusetts Autism Commission report to develop a comprehensive statewide approach to address the needs of MA children and youth with autism and developmental disorders by implementing consistent statewide data collection practices. The project will: (1) assess state needs of children with ASD & DD that align with the MCHB Healthy People 2020 indicators, (2) refine a state plan to address identified needs; and (3) outline an evaluation plan and program surveillance strategy to monitor and report on state ASD/DD activities and outcomes in the future. The plan will focus on underserved children and youth by race, culture, language, immigrant status, region, transition age, insurance coverage, level of function, and mental health status. The core indicators for review will be: screening, medical home, access, family involvement, transition, and insurance.
The project team will include evaluators from the Center for Developmental Disabilities Evaluation and Research (CDDER); Elaine Gabovitch will serve as the PI/Project Director. The 20-plus member Project Advisory Board includes representatives from leading state agencies and several members of the MA Act Early Steering Committee.
Original date: September 2013
Considering Culture in Autism Screening: A Culturally & Linguistically Competent Training Curriculum for Pediatric Providers
Awarded by the Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Research Fund, a BankofAmerica, N.A.Trustee, from September 2013 through October 2014. The goal of the proposed demonstration project is to develop, implement, and evaluate an educational module that trains pediatric providers in culturally competent screening, evaluation, and referral to intervention services for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The project will expand on the Considering Culture in Autism Screening guide and kit that the MA Act Early multicultural project team developed for pediatric clinicians in early 2012 under a Association for Maternal and Child Programs (AMCHP) grant.
The project teams will include:
- Principal Investigator/Project Director: Elaine Gabovitch, MPA will oversee and participate in all activities
- Development Team: Stephanie Blenner, MD and Shari King, MA from Boston Medical Center; Roula Choueiri, MD and Bernadette Murphy Bentley, MPA from Tufts Medical Center; and Jason Travers, PhD, UMass Amherst
- Video Production Team: Alex Gomez and Lauren Willis, Intercultural Productions
- Evaluation Team: Anne Hunt, PhD, Melissa Maslin, MA, and Jason Travers, PhD, UMass Amherst
- Project advisors: Kathleen Braden, MD of UMass Medical School-Shriver Center, David Helm, PhD, Children's Hospital/Institute for Community Inclusion
Click here to read an article published by UMassMed Now about the project.
The Healthy People 2020 Roadmap for Massachusetts Children and Youth with ASD/DD: Understanding Needs and Measuring Outcomes
Awarded by HRSA-MCHB from September 2013 through August 2015. The two-year project will address a state priority in the 2013 Massachusetts Autism Commission report to develop a comprehensive statewide approach to address the needs of MA children and youth with autism and developmental disorders by implementing consistent statewide data collection practices. The project will: (1) assess state needs of children with ASD & DD that align with the MCHB Healthy People 2020 indicators, (2) refine a state plan to address identified needs; and (3) outline an evaluation plan and program surveillance strategy to monitor and report on state ASD/DD activities and outcomes in the future. The plan will focus on underserved children and youth by race, culture, language, immigrant status, region, transition age, insurance coverage, level of function, and mental health status. The core indicators for review will be: screening, medical home, access, family involvement, transition, and insurance.
The project team will include evaluators from the Center for Developmental Disabilities Evaluation and Research (CDDER); Elaine Gabovitch will serve as the PI/Project Director. The 20-plus member Project Advisory Board includes representatives from leading state agencies and several members of the MA Act Early Steering Committee.
Original date: September 2013
Pediatric Provider Survey Coming Soon to an Email InBox Near You!
Dr. Roula Choueiri of Tufts Medical Center and the Early Identification task force recently developed and launched a Pediatric Provider Survey to better understand autism screening practices in Massachusetts and to conduct a needs assessment in pediatric primary care. Over 1,600 pediatric providers across Massachusetts received emails in August and September inviting them to take the survey. For successful completion of the survey, respondents received a new "Autism and Developmental Disorders Diagnostic Services" listing developed by the Early Identification task force this past Spring.
Pediatric providers in Massachusetts are strongly encouraged to fill out this brief, confidential survey. This is an important survey that will be useful on a number of levels for understanding screening and detection practice in Massachusetts. We will share the results on this web site in the future. To access the survey, the link is:
Original date: September 2013
Pediatric providers in Massachusetts are strongly encouraged to fill out this brief, confidential survey. This is an important survey that will be useful on a number of levels for understanding screening and detection practice in Massachusetts. We will share the results on this web site in the future. To access the survey, the link is:
Original date: September 2013
MA Act Early State Team Members Guest Blog for Autism Awareness Month
Want to learn why early identification is so important to the members of the MA Act Early state team? Several of our members were "guest bloggers" on New England INDEX's disability blog during Autism Awareness month. Topics include:
Original date: April 2013
- The Massachusetts Act Early Campaign: Because Early Identification is Important to Us (May 1, 2013)
- Early Identification Makes a Difference: An Educator’s Perspective, Jason Travers, PhD (April 24, 2013)
- One in a Million: A Physician’s Perspective, Stephanie Blenner, MD (April 10, 2013)
- Why Early Identification is Important to Me: A Parent’s Point of View, Elaine Gabovitch (April 3, 2013)
Original date: April 2013
MA Act Early co-sponsored "Light It Up Blue" April 2, 2013 at UMass Medical School

In collaboration with the UMass Medical School Department of Psychiatry and the Autism Resource Center of West Boylston, MA Act Early co-sponsored this year's annual Autism Speaks "Light It Up Blue" event at UMass Medical School on April 2, 2013 in observation of World Autism Awareness Day. Familes and providers in the Worcester area are invited to attend the event which will include a service provider fair, updates and information about autism related initiatives including the Massachusetts Act Early program, the final report & recommendations from the Massachusetts Governor's Commission on Autism, and an announcement of the new Center for Autism & Neurodevelopmental Disorders (CANDO) Clinic opening at UMass Medical School this spring. A screening of the HBO film "Autism the Musical" will be followed by the lighting of the UMass Medical School building in blue.
Original date: April 2013
Original date: April 2013
MA Act Early State Partner UMass Amherst hosted John Elder Robison on April 1, Light It Up Blue on April 2, 2013

In the western region of Massachusetts, the UMass Amherst student organization "Autism Speaks U" hosted a talk and book signing by John Elder Robison, lit up the fine arts center in blue, and hosted a charitable 5k run/walk to benefit Autism Speaks. On evening of April 1, 2013 in the UMass Amherst Campus Center Auditorium, John Elder Robison, author and person with Asperger syndrome, shared his extraordinary stories and insight about living with Asperger syndrome. On April 2, 2013, the Autism Speaks U hosted "Light it Up Blue!" at the Fine Arts Center . The race/walk took place on Sunday, April 7, 2013 at Kendrick Park in Amherst Center. Prizes were awarded to the top finishers and the top fundraisers. Also featured at the event were a family-friendly 3K Walk, information on autism, entertainment, food, refreshments, and a raffle.
Original date: April 2013
Original date: April 2013
Elaine Gabovitch renamed CDC Act Early Ambassador for Massachusetts

Effective January 25, 2013, the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP) has reappointed MA Act Early's State Team Leader Elaine Gabovitch to serve as the CDC Act Early Ambassador for Massachusetts through April 2014. During the 15-month commitment period, she will: (1) promote the goals and objectives of "Learn the Signs. Act Early" (LTSAE) to improve early identification of autism and other developmental disabilities, (2) serve as a state point-of-contact for the national LTSAE program (3) support the work of the MA Act Early Team and (4) promote the “Autism Case Training: A Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Curriculum.” She joined 25 other new and returning ambassadors from across the county to attend an Act Early Ambassador's training on March 7 & 8, 2013 at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA.
Original date: March 2013
Original date: March 2013
Online CDC Autism Case Training course for free CME, CNE, CEUs
The new online Autism Case Training (ACT) course covers the fundamental components of identifying, diagnosing, and managing autism spectrum disorders. Three modules, which can be taken separately or together, are based on real-life scenarios and include up-to-date information, illustrative videos, and pertinent references and resources. Free continuing education credits (CME, CNE, and CEU) are available for each of the modules.
Original date: September 2012
Original date: September 2012
Free "Considering Culture in Autism Screening" kit available for clinicians

The MA Act Early "Considering Culture in Autism Screening" guide and toolkit includes a clinician's tips guide, our "Referrals at a Glance" Massachusetts resource sheet, and the validated M-CHAT screening tool in five languages along with instructions, a scoring sheet and the follow-up interview. Please visit our Considering Culture web page to access this free product for pediatric clinicians and community health providers.
Original date: February 2012
Original date: February 2012