Massachusetts Act Early State Partners

The Massachusetts Act Early Coalition is made up of leading organizations from across the state dedicated to promoting healthy development in all children, screening and identifying children at risk of autism and other developmental disorders, and intervening early whenever there is a concern.
Massachusetts State Agencies
Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services
Autism Division The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is dedicated to creating, in partnership with others, innovative and genuine opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities to participate fully and meaningfully in, and contribute to, their communities as valued members. Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care The Department of Early Education and Care provides a high quality system of early education and care that is accessible to all and achieves positive outcomes for each child regardless of background. |
Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) is committed to preparing all students for success in the world that awaits them after high school. Massachusetts Department of Public Health Early Intervention Program Office of Specialty Services The Office of Specialty Services is focused on ensuring that children with particular conditions are identified at a young age and then have access to appropriate intervention. |
Family Support Centers
Autism Resource Center of Central MA
The Autism Resource Center of Central MA is the "Center" of the autism community in Central Massachusetts. The Center supports over 2,700 children and their families. Autism Support Center of the Northeast Arc The Autism Support Center, a program of Northeast Arc, assists parents and professionals offers information and referral, support groups, and training to parents and professionals affected by or interested in autism spectrum disorders. Family Autism Center of the Arc of South Norfolk Our mission is to provide advocacy, supports and services to people with ASD and to their families. Our affiliation with The Arc of South Norfolk and its Family Support programs provides many benefits - from their strength and broad experience in the field of developmental disabilities to the economic advantages of shared services. |
TILL Autism Support Center TILL offers comprehensive programs and wide-ranging resources for both the individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families. They help people reach their full potential and attain an optimal quality of life with innovative programs and supports. UMass Medical School Family Support Program |
Health Care Partners
Boston Medical Center
Children's Hospital Developmental & Behavioral Program University Partners
Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center Mass General Hospital/Lurie Autism Center The Lurie Center is a multidisciplinary program designed to evaluate and treat children, adolescents and adults with a wide variety of conditions including autism and autism spectrum disorders, Asperger syndrome and developmental delays. |
Autism Consortium
The Autism Consortium catalyzes rapid advances in understanding of autism by fostering collaboration among families, researchers, clinicians, and donors. Our mission is to improve the care of children and families affected by autism and other neurological disorders. UMass Amherst Department of Special Education Department of Communication Disorders |
UMass Boston/Institute for Community Inclusion
LEND Program UMass Medical School/Shriver Center LEND Program |